Original beer offers a deeper connection to the history and heritage of brewing. It harkens back to a time when beer was crafted with meticulous care, using only the finest ingredients and traditional techniques.
Furthermore, original beer often boasts a fuller body and mouthfeel due to the absence of excessive processing. Without undergoing extensive filtration or pasteurization, it maintains a natural carbonation level that results in a more satisfying texture on the palate. This unfiltered nature allows for a richer drinking experience that captures the true essence of the brewing process.
原漿啤酒是一種以傳統釀造方法製作的啤酒,與普通啤酒相比,具有獨特的口感和品質。 首先,原漿啤酒不經過任何過濾或加工,保留了釀造過程中產生的酵母和其他天然成分,因此具有更渾濁的外觀和更濃鬱的口感。其次,相較於普通啤酒,原漿啤酒的酵母含量更高,這使得它更有營養價值,對消化系統更友善。 此外,原漿啤酒更重視使用高品質的原料,如優質麥芽和啤酒花,以確保味道更純正。 總之,原漿啤酒在保留傳統釀造過程的同時,也提供了更豐富的口感和更高的營養價值。
We make use of Wuyi Mountain Natural Mountain Spring Water as the water source. The PH value of the water is perfectly ideal for beer brewing. It is rich in composition of essential minerals like calcium and magnesium. It ensures that the flavors and aromas of the craft beer are enhanced to perfection.
We import high-quality top-quality malt from around the world. The malt has stable color, strong sugar production ability, and thus brews beer with rich taste.
Selected Saaz hops with a long-lasting fragrance. It offers the beer a delicate, smooth and refreshing hop fragrance